Revealing RMPL S C A M Proof

Reveal Proofs
3 min readDec 8, 2020

As you all know, this is the RCORE/RMPL arbitrage bot contract. The team denied it was theirs.

AIf you were in the RCORE/RMPL or RMPL/ETH LP generation event, you’d be left with 5% the value of your hard earned $$$ you put in. They use this Arbitrage bot to slowly trade against you. If you bought a significant chunk of RMPL, the bot will sell RMPL and buy RCORE.

Here it is….
Contract created

Tx Hash:

The contract was created by this wallet: 0x03c49c2ee798f2cab9ca2151cd8651eff157cb5b

Minted $812,000 RCORE worth
Let’s check out that creator wallet address…

As you can see the wallet is busy creating a number of contracts…

But we can see it received 5 ETH from a wallet.

Guess they forgot to add enough ETH in the wallet in order to create all those transactions and contract creations…

And the ETH came from this wallet:

This wallet’s 1st transaction, it received 1,650,000 $RMPL tokens

It came from this wallet:

And this wallet MINTED 3,000,000 $RMPL. and only the RMPL contract creator has the ability to do that… aka the RMPL team…

There’s your proof. The so-called “Arbitrage Bot” that the team “claimed” is not theirs (address 0x76f4500a099ec231abc9708313ffeff671248ec1) is connected and owned by the RMPL Foundation wallet.

They’ve made it very difficult to track where that contract was originated by creating a number of different contracts. But that’s your proof.

I am not surprised seeing a company like Yellow has its own arbitrage bot. and this chain analysis may need further work to prove it but I believe that this is only one of their exploitation in the space..

They’ve created RCORE to smoothly trick people into it and arbitrage RMPL to slowly EXIT with Maximum profits with the possibility to keep the RMPL project alive, churning as a cash cow.

